If you have been reading up on SARMS or even have been considering using them, then chances are that you have learned about Testolone aka RAD140.
This poor boy of this SARMS world has conjured up a significant reputation in hardly any time.
Even though it is yet to be tested on people (Phase-1 clinical trials are underway), people are using it left, right, and center.
Have you any idea why? Because it is extremely effective.
Even better than LGD-4033 based on some users. And that's no mean feat because g by the gram, LGD-4033 is even more powerful than pure testosterone.
We are simply waiting to see what those clinical trials on RAD140 throw up. We recommend that you should buy RAD-140 for sale from a trusted seller of SARMs.
Meanwhile, if you were interested in what you could count on from your very first Testolone cycle, then here's a brief primer that we've been able to collate based only on anecdotal reviews.
RAD140 Increases Energy -- Week 1 onwards
Right from the first week of the cycle, most users experience increased energy and mental clarity.
It’s like this feeling of being able to go on for more without becoming worn out. Can it be at work or in class, you are going to feel more confident.
If you are experiencing brain fog, then RAD140 just type of wipes it clean.
At first, we blamed this on placebo. However, we have been hearing this from several users. So we've got a reason to feel that this may be a 'feel-good' SARM, just like Dianabol in the AAS entire world.
Testolone Gives You Pumps -- Week 3 onwards
If you have utilized Ligandrol, then you'll understand the way the fullness starts to kick in by week two. A lot of folks like this and use LGD purely for your pumps.
But it's just like a wet-gain compound where the muscles look engorged like they're full of water.
With Testolone, you get the pumps minus the water retention.
Your shoulders, traps, and biceps are going to just blow up and look as though they're twice the size.
It's a really cosmetic compound. Fantastic for women, fitness models, and the likes. If you're aiming for the fake natty look on Instagram, you've just found your ticket to glory.
RAD140 Improves Libido -- Week 1- 5
For the first few weeks of your Testolone cycle, you will be like a horny teenager prepared to make love to anything that moves.
The libido spike can also be one of the reasons that increase the feel-good nature of the chemical.
However, this is short-lived and will disappear as the suppression kicks in after week 5 or 4.
Testolone Boosts Strength -- Week 3 to 8
If we were to rate all SARMS on the basis of 'strength gains', Testolone will top the record.
The strength gains are quite dramatic. The overall consensus among the fitness community seems to be that LGD is the go-to chemical for bulk whereas RAD is the only for strength.
Anyway, you don't gain a good deal of mass on RAD. So it is like the Winstrol of this SARMS world. Will make you more powerful and faster while allowing you to keep away from pesky glares.
Lean Muscle -- Week 3 to 8
Don't get mislead into believing that Testolone isn't successful for bulking. Provided that you're eating in a surplus, there is no reason why you shouldn't have the ability to gain up to 10 pounds. Of mass within an 8-week cycle.
Additionally, since it's a dry gains compound, you will not lose a huge chunk of the weight post cycle.
If you do a mild PCT with Nolva or Clomid or any other SERM that you prefer, you should be able to maintain at least 70% of those gains.
Some have done a dirty bulk with RAD and gained just as much as 20 lbs. in 8-weeks.
But if you are looking to gain clean, eat just above maintenance and do not bypass the cardio.
Vascularity -- Week 3 to 8
Along with the pumps, Testolone makes you extremely vascular. It brings the most dormant veins on your body to life.
This is what makes users compare it with Winstrol. It hardens up you, makes you vascular, and provides you crazy pumps without worrying about losing your hair or decreasing your nuts.
Testolone Promotes Fat Loss -- Week 4 to 8
Testolone could be among the only SARMS that has a direct correlation with lipolysis. There are not any scientific claims to back this up.
But, most anecdotal testimonials talk about how it trims down you from the waist, and that's where men hold the most stubborn fat.
Club it using a calorie deficit and also you ought to be in a position to do a mini recomp in no time.
Some users also have started to stack RAD140 for sale with Nutrobal to enhance the impact of the pile. And from what we've discovered, it is quite effective in human body recomposition.
RAD140 Can Cause Suppression -- Week 5 to 8
It's often mentioned that Testolone is just one of the most suppressive SARMS.
Well, for what it is worth, some users get suppressed by 70% on a moderate cycle of Ostarine.
Sarms are suppressive period.
The suppression may strike you pretty awful.
But it might also be that you won't feel it as much as say your friend felt it.
It's different strokes for different people.
Just do your pre-cycle bloodwork and once you complete your last dose.
That should give you an idea of just how bad it was. If needed, hop on to a mild PCT.
Testolone May Cause Kidney pain -- Week 7 to 8
Some users have reported extreme lower spine pain on Testolone. This normally kicks in near the end of the cycle also appears to be dose-dependent.
However, if you do experience this, check the color of the urine.
If it’s too dark, it may have to do with your kidney. Either back off a tad or merely block the cycle for a couple of weeks.
As of now, there's no sufficient data or logs that can establish a negative correlation between RAD140 and kidney values.
You might also want to think about adding an OTC on-cycle support drug-like N2Guard. Also, throw in some NAC and TUDCA while you are in it.