What is S23?
S23 is developed by a rather famous pharmaceutical company named GTX. It is the most powerful SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) to date and is known to increase muscle mass and decrease the mass of fat in your body. This implies it helps our body to be healthy. The androgen receptors and S23 have a very powerful binding affinity. It's non-steroidal. Also, it decreases the prostate size that's a very opposite feature to anabolic steroids. Also, it decreases prostate size which is a very opposite feature to anabolic steroids. Other steroids simply make the prostate size bigger.
Functions of S23
A remarkably popular mass builder.
Increases strength and endurance.
Fat is oxidized faster.
Let us melt body fat easily.
A notable increase in levels of muscle vascularity, dryness, and hardness
Don't have any water retention.
S23 sarm is what you may call the improved or much better version of S4 with all the same properties that S4 comes in the advanced form with no side effects at all.
S23 is just another one of SARMS that hasn't seen all that much studies or testing as of yet. In 2009 a research was done on revealing s23 might be possibly used as a male enhancement, though it has never been proven. It has been said to possess the most noticeable consequences in both fat loss and muscle gains. This Sarm has been commonly compared to this anabolic steroid called Winstrol, which has similar impacts of reducing fat and muscle gains. This SARM, in contraction to RAD-140 or Ligandrol, definitely needs a PCT or Post Cycle Therapy, when you are finishing cycles.
Pro's of S23
Increased muscle mass
Stronger bone density
Better pumps
Rapid fat reduction ability
Works for men and females
Greater levels of endurance
Noticeable amounts in male libido
Male contraceptive
Harder muscles
Better looking muscle definition
Test suppression is very similar to steroids
Raised hormone levels
Studies have discovered baldness
Patients have noticed muscle cramping
S23 as Opposed to Other Steroids
S23 is tremendously observed to fall under the typical "hardener" category. S23 comes perfectly in this category. It may be consumed in the majority but as a result of the drug being very strong and dry. Therefore, it's far better to take small amounts of it daily. This keeps muscle mass, strength also helps reach an advanced degree of muscular detail. Its effects are just like the results that one gets when one takes a higher dose of Winstrol.
Dr. Tony Huge also made the same conclusion about S23. Others said it was well when compared with huge doses of Anavar and Winstrol. It had consistent decisions that it had been a hardener or a drying compound that made one thinner and made one's physique appear more textures.
Also, it enables you to look somewhat leaner than you're. This means that S23 makes 10% of their human body fat look much grainier and drier than 10% off S23. The same goes for drugs like Masteron and Winstrol. The chemicals are proven to have a blatant cosmetic effect. This can't be accomplished by any other kind of cosmetic. That is why these compounds should be restricted to clipping phrases. But having dry and grainy muscles isn't a fantastic idea especially when you're bulking up as having any water weight is essential as it helps in joint fatigue, injury prevention, and so on. Additionally, that does not indicate that S23 doesn't have any place in bulk at all, an individual would just reserve it to cutting themselves.
Tips on Dosage
Most studies have shown using 25mg a day has seen rapid results. More experienced patients have done studies using 50mg per day for bulking and definition also seeing great results.
Thus, one should take two doses of this compound in a day. It's suggested that you take the first dose in the morning and the second one during the evening. If a person takes a higher dosage than one wants to then it may also burn the crucial body fats. Therefore, one must be very cautious when swallowing it.
A Personal Experience with S23
A man tried S23 for some time of 8 weeks i.e., 2/3 days of the week in his 12 weeks trimming. The goal was to maintain lean muscles, strength, and get the same drying out consequences as other DTH chemicals could normally have. The man would dose himself two times a day 10mg of S23 i.e., 20mg throughout the day.
Dosing S23 twice per day is far better compared to dosing it once as the half-life of S23 is 11.9 hours precisely. Thus, it's more valuable to split up into two doses. This helps to keep the compound maintain a stable amount of itself from the blood. During the week's time, discovered the decorative enhancement effects were identical to the effects he'd acquire from DHT chemicals he would rely on. After that was done with his cut he ended up with zero side effects but difficulty preserved all the strength and muscle.
Can Be PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) Significant?
Yes, it is with no doubt. In reality, in regards to SARM, this query should not even arise. This is so because, in the slightest of suppression, one always wants to recuperate to the condition of hormonal homeostasis once one can.
S23 does not only suppresses one than any other typical SARM will, but could also close you down entirely. That's not a thing to be afraid of as "shutdown" does not necessarily mean that it will wreck your endocrine system irreparably. The only thing it means is that the person may want to go through a more intensive and rigorous PCT. That would include Clomid + Nolvadex at the least.
One overriding reason why individuals prefer SARM over anabolic steroids is that it doesn't cause any hormonal shutdown. With S23 that is not the case as it will shut down an individual. The identical thing was reversed in paths after the chemical was discontinued. That's something to be noticed if one decides to research relating to this in the future. The man about whom we spoke previously also struck no unwanted side or side effects because together with the compound as he required doses of necessary supplements like hormone replacement doses of Testosterone, which helped him keep his physiological function at a high level during his S23 cycle.
Medical Uses and Benefits
According to the latest scientific researches and anecdotal evidence, S23 has been proved to be the most potent SARM. Let's discuss some of the reported benefits of using it in particulars.
It helps to build lean body weight. Even after completing their S23 cycle, one can maintain body density and construction.
One also experiences a notable increase in endurance, speed, and stamina. This implies that you may go for longer and harder workout sessions which can give results.
It is helpful to reduce body fats as it's a fat oxidizer. Research done on a rat shows that S23 SARM increases bone mineral density also makes it stronger.
The compound is a typical hardener i.e., it absorbs water in the body, letting it maintain the gains they've attained through the S23 cycle. This is why most bodybuilders use it in the leading phase as it's most advantageous during that cycle.
It offers you looking for muscles that are looking. It is not something that could be achieved in traditional steroids. Therefore, bodybuilders use them whenever they prepare for bodybuilding events and competitions.
It also decreases the prostate side. S23 is the only SARM that decreases the prostate size while most of the other anabolic steroids increase it.
Common Side Effects
There are a few common side-effects one experiences when taking S23. Let us talk about them at length.
A greater level of aggression has been noticed. If somebody is thought to have a very bad temper, then must avoid it entirely.
The testosterone also suppresses considerably. S23 SARM is the nearest you can get when it comes to conventional steroids. Its negative effects are also quite distinct from different SARMs. The compound decreases testosterone in the body to such a degree that one wants to supplement it with TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) to get rid of this deficiency.
This SARM shrinks the testicles temporarily. This happens due to the simple fact that S-23 reduces testosterone levels in our body instead of increasing it. The good news is that the effect is temporary and reverses when you're done with all the cycles.
It creates darker pee but lasts only until the cycle.
Bottom Line
With the researches and experiments done so far, SARM was demonstrated to be a whole powerhouse which makes it possible to decrease body fat and gives you a chiseled and textured physique. It is safe to state it is the only SARM that is capable of generating results as good as any other potent steroids.
Additionally, it has some inevitable side effects but it lasts only till the cycle continues. One good downside is that it suppresses Testosterone but it can be controlled if combined with the ideal supplements. Overall, it is an ideal option to increase your body and give it a shape.